Bodybuilding is one of the most famous sports in the world. Essentially, it is a sport in which you must lift weights for specific reps and sets for each muscle group. It's such a huge and deep sport that you need to have a huge amount of information about the exercises and the nutritional plan. Bodybuilding, like any other sport, has cups and tournaments based on weight and physique level. For example: Men's classic physique, which is an open division, was split up in 2016 to create the classic physique competition, which is smaller than rivals in the open category. Athelites in this division are still much larger than those in the male physique. "Cbum," one of the most popular players, if not the most, has won the Mr. Olympia classic physique category for the fourth time in a row. There is another tournament that is called "Mr. Olympia." This is the most famous tournament in history. There are many who are waiting for it every year, and the competi...